Saturday, October 24, 2009

Marvelous Light

Sin has lost it's power,
death has lost it's sting.
From the grave you've risen

Into marvelous light I'm running,
Out of darkness, out of shame.
By the cross you are the truth,
You are the life, you are the way

I found myself singing this song the other day and was amazed by how true it is. When Jesus went to the cross, and in three days rose again, sin lost its power, death lost it's sing all because of his victory. Because of Jesus we have a light to run to. We can leave whats holding us back and live. So lets do that, lets run to the one the only marvelous light.

all for God,
Seth Blake

Monday, October 19, 2009

So, I was reading through Acts 17 and something caught my eye, here it is.

4-5Some of them were won over and joined ranks with Paul and Silas, among them a great many God-fearing Greeks and a considerable number of women from the aristocracy. But the hard-line Jews became furious over the conversions. Mad with jealousy, they rounded up a bunch of brawlers off the streets and soon had an ugly mob terrorizing the city as they hunted down Paul and Silas.

So here is whats going on, Paul is in the synagogue teaching about this King, we call him Jesus, using their scripture. Now Paul was doing a good thing standing up for Jesus, and he won some over in fact some joined Paul and Silas, but some "hard core Jews" got mad at this and what do they do? None other than make a mob and hunt down Paul and Silas, don't get me wrong I love Jesus, but i can see why these guys where mad. Imagine if a Buddhist came to your church and started teaching against what you have believed forever. I'm not talking about Jews and Christians here. What I'm saying is These guys stood up for what they believed, though mostly out of anger. Now i think it's time we step up and start showing our faith in that way. Now I'm not saying go make a mob and terrorize a town, but what I am saying is its time to get off our butts and live the faith, after all if these Jews can do it why cant we. Live what you believe. God doesn't live exclusively in the church building, he lives in we Christians as well. Who are we to decide who goes to heaven so lets do this as a mob for Jesus winning people to Christ.

All for God

Seth Blake

Monday, August 24, 2009

What is a spot

SO this summer I've been very active in the Buckhannon-Upshur marching band and I've learned it takes the whole band to make a field show. I think the same concept can apply to us. There are many things in our life some good some bad if we focus on all the bad or all the good or even one bad thing or one good thing we are missing the big picture. God does not look at all the bad things but he looks at the whole picture. After all what is more beautiful a spec of paint or the wonderful masterpiece god made us to be?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

the masterpiece

Why do we focus so much on the picture the world paints of us? Why are so caught up in the thoughts of those people who hate us? Why do we wave to try to impress everyone with the way we look, what we believe, how we act, what we do in our down time?
the silly picture the world paints of us is nothing compared to the wonderful masterpiece God has made us. Settling for the world is like taking a bologna sandwich over a Steak meal. We don't have to settle for less when we can have so much more. Our God is so amazing. So instead of trying to please the world lets try to please God.
All for God